Contemporary African Art

Contemporary African art is an expression commonly used to defined the sum of styles and national productions of the African continent, the production of African artists, the production of Africa analyzed as a hole, the artistic, cultural and institutional dynamics of the African continent, the contemporary art so-called African or a contemporary artistic production linked to Africa.

The very concept of contemporary African art has very different meanings according to its use. Magazines, exhibitions, publications and institutions, together with the artists themselves, have enriched through time the definition of this expression.


Definitions of contemporary African art



































2008 2009 2010

Collection of Essays

  • Colloquium: Function and Significance of African Negro Art in the Life of the People and for the People, Presence africaine, Paris, 1968. Conferenza a cura della Society of African Culture (S.A.C.) in collaboration with UNESCO, 30/03-08/04/1966.
  • Ethnic and Tourists Arts: Cultural Expressions from the Fourth World, (edited by) Nelson H. H. Graburn, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1976.
  • Modern Konst I Afrika [Modern Art in Africa], (edited by) Sune Nordgren, Kalejdoskop, Lund (Svezia), 1978.
  • Patrimoine Culturel et Création Contemporaine: en Afrique et dans le Monde Arabe, (edited by) Mohamed Aziza, Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, Dakar, 1977.
  • Airport art: das exotische Souvenir, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1987.
  • Kunstreise nach Afrika: Tradition und Moderne (edited by) Ronald Ruprecht, Iwalewa-Haus, Universität, Bayreuth, 1988.
  • African Art in Southern Africa: From Tradition to Township, (edited by) A. Nettleton e D. Hammond-Tooke, A.D. Donker, Johannesburg, 1989.
  • The Myth of Primitivism: Perspectives on Art, (edited by) Susan Hiller, Routledge, London & New York, 1991.
  • Art, Anthropology and the Modes of Re-Presentation: Museums and Contemporary non-Western Art, (edited by) Harrie Leyten e B. Damen, KIT Press-Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam, 1993.
  • Banque centrale des etats de l'Afrique de l'ouest. BCEAO: Collection d'art contemporain, (edited by) Ousmane Sow Huchard, BCEAO, Dakar, 1993.
  • Creer en Afrique: 2e colloque européen sur les arts d'Afrique noire, Musée national des arts d'Afrique and d'Océanie, Paris, 23-24/10/1993.
  • Global Visions Towards a New Internationalism in the Visual Arts, (edited by) Jean Fisher, Kala Press, London, 1994.
  • Cultural diversity in the arts: art, art policies and the facelift of Europe, (edited by) Ria Lavrijsen, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, 1993.
  • Art Criticism and Africa, (edited by) Katy Deepwell, Saffron Books, African Art and Society Series, London, 1997.
  • Images of Enchantment: Visual and performing Arts of the Middle East, (edited by) Sherifa Zuhur, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, 1998.
  • Issues in Contemporary African Art, (edited by) Nkiru Nzegwu, International Society for the Study of Africa, ISSA Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, 1998.
  • Dialogue of the Present: 18 Contemporary Arab Women Artists, (edited by) Siumee H. Keelan, Fran Lloyd, London, 1999.
  • Reading the Contemporary. African Art from Theory to the Marketplace, (edited by) Olu Oguibe e Okwui Enwenzor, Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA) e MIT Press, London, 1999.
  • autopsia & desarquivios, (edited by) Fernando Alvim e Catherine Goffeau Alvim, Espace Sussuta Boé, Bruxelles, 1999.
  • Colors of Enchantment: Theater, Dance, and the Visual Arts of Middle East, (edited by) Sherifa Zuhur, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo-New York, 2001.
  • Anthologie de l'art africain du XX siècle, (edited by) N'Goné Fall e Jean Loup Pivin, Éditions Revue Noire, Paris, 2001. Raccolta di saggi e schede di artisti.
  • Afriche, Diaspore, Ibridi - Il concettualismo come strategia dell'arte africana contemporanea, (edited by) Eriberto Eulisse, AIEP Edizioni, Bologna, 2003.
  • African cultural dynamics: Africalia Encounters in Bamako (01-03/11/2002), curated by Joëlle Busca, Africalia, 2003.
  • Repenser la coopération culturelle en Afrique: Rencontre Africalia d'Ostende (27-29/05/2003), Rencontre Africalia de Liège (26-27/06/2003), Rencontre Africalia de Bruxelles (19-20/09/2003), (edited by) Joëlle Busca, Africalia, 2004.
  • Over Here: International Perspectives on Art and Culture, (edited by) Gerardo Mosquera e Jean Fisher (con il progetto artistico di Francis Alÿs), New Museum of Contemporary Art-New York & The MIT Press-Cambridge Massachusetts & London, 2004.
  • Next Flag: The African Sniper Reader, (edited by) Fernando Alvim, Heike Munder & Ulf Wuggenig, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, 2005


  • Margaret Trowell. African Arts and Crafts: Their Development in the School, Longman, London, 1937.
  • Robert Goldwater. Primitivism in Modern Painting, Random House, New York, 1938 (1966 e Harvard Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986).
  • Rolf Italiaander. Neue Kunst in Afrika: eine Einführung, Bibliograf. Institut, Mannheim, 1957.
  • Evelyn S. Brown. Africa's contemporary art and artists: a review of creative activities in painting, sculpture, ceramics and crafts of over 300 artists working in the modern industrialized societies of some of the countries of sub Saharan Africa, Division of Social Research and Experimentation, Harmon Foundation, New York, 1966.
  • Ulli Beier. Contemporary Art in Africa, Pall Mall Press, London, 1968.
  • Frank Willet. African Art, Thames and Hudson, London, 1971.
  • Marshall Ward Mount. African Art: The Years since 1920, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1973, (Da Capo Press, New York, 1989).
  • Judith D. Miller. Art in East Africa: A Guide to Contemporary Art, F. Muller, London-Africa Book Service (EA), Ltd.-Nairobi, 1975.
  • Kiure Francis Msangi. The Place of Fine Art in the East African Universities, 18th Annual Meeting
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: NIGERIA'S MASTER PRINTMAKER -Wendy Lawrence. BEST OF AFRICA -TORONTO 1979. of the African Studies Association, San Francisco, 1975.
  • Eugene Burt. An Annotated Bibliography of the Visual Arts of East Africa, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1980.
  • Ulli Beier. Neue Kunst in Afrika: das Buch zur Austellung, Reimer, Berlin, 1980.
  • Paulin Hountondji. African Philosophy: Myth or Reality, New York, 1982.
  • Jan Vansina. Art History in Africa: An Introduction to Method, Longman, London & New York, 1984.
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: SYMBOLS OF ANCESTRAL GROVES -(Monograph of Prints and Paintings 1978 -1985) with introduction by Prof. Babatunde Lawal. 256 Pages, 182 B/W 3 Drawings 60 Colour illustrations, essays, interviews, notes and comments, biographical and bibliographical notes. 1985.
  • Bennetta Jules-Rosette. The Messages of Tourist Art: An African Semiotic System in Comparative Perspective, Plenum Press, New York, 1984.
  • Kojo Fosu. 20th century art of Africa, Gaskiya Corporation, Zaria, 1986 (Artists Alliance, Accra, 1993).
  • Sally Price. Primitive Art in Civilized Places, The University of Chicago, 1989. I primitivi traditi: L'arte dei "selvaggi" e la presunzione occidentale, Einaudi, Torino, 1992.
  • Johanna Agthe. Wegzeichen: Kunst aus Ostafrika [Signs: Art from East Africa], 1974-98, Museum für Völkerkunde, Frankfurt-an-Main, 1990.
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: THE SPIRIT IN ASCENT. -Introduction by Dele Jegede 279 pages, Ovuomaroro Gallery production 1992.
  • Osa D. Egonwa. African Art: A Contemporary Source Book, Osasu Publishers, Benin City, 1991.
  • Jutta Stroeter-Bender. Zeitgenoessische Kunst des "Dritten Welt", DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co, Koeln, 1991. L'art contemporain dans les pays du "Tiers-monde", L'Harmattan, Paris, 1995.
  • Pierre Gaudibert. L'art africain contemporain, Editions Cercle d'Art, Paris, 1991.
  • Betty LaDuke. Africa through the Eyes of Women Artists, Africa World Press, Trenton, NJ, 1991.
  • Nicole Guez. Art africain contemporain: Guide, Editions Dialogue Entre Cultures, Paris, 1992, (Association Afrique en Création, 1996).
  • Jean Kennedy. New Currents, Ancient Rivers: Contemporary African Artists in a Generation of Change, Smithsonian Institute Press, London-Washington DC, 1992.
  • Thomas McEvilley. Art and Otherness: Crisis in Cultural Identity, Documenttext, McPherson and Co., New York, 1992. L'identité culturelle en crise: Art et différence à l'époque postmoderne et postcoloniale, Editions Jacqueline Chambon, Nîmes, France, 1992.
  • Paul Gilroy. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Verso, London, 1993
  • Robert Atkins. Artspoke, Abbeville Press, New York, 1993.
  • Christopher B. Steiner. Africa in Transit, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 1994.
  • Edward Lucie-Smith. Race, Sex and Gender in Contemporary Art: The Rise of Minority Culture, Art Books International-London & Harry N. Abrams-New York, 1994.
  • A Study Exploring Opportunities to Strengthen U.S.-Based Collaborations with Performing Artists of Africa, Asia and latin America. Prepared with the Support of the Ford Foundation, Published by the New England Foundation for the Arts, 03/06/1994. Project director Ceclila Fitzgibbon; Project consultants Elizabeth Peterson and Robert Wisdom (Archivio Ford Foundation).
  • Catalogue de la collection d'oeuvres d'artistes contemporains d'Afrique et d'Océanie acquises ou conservées par l'ADEIAO, introduction by Lucette Albaret and Paul Balta, ADEIAO, Paris, 1995.
  • Colin Rhodes. Primitivism and Modernism, Thames and Hudson, London, 1995.
  • André Magnin e Jacques Soulillou. Contemporary Art of Africa, Thames and Hudson, New York-London, 1996.
  • Ulrike Bässler-Pietsch. Das Bild unserer Welt; Afrika: von Kairo bis Kapstadt, aktualisierte Ausg., 1996.
  • Betty LaDuke. Africa: Women's Art, Women's Lives, Africa World Press, Trenton, NJ, 1997.
  • E. Okechukwu Odita. Diversity in Contemporary African Art: Causes And Effects, The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, 1997.
  • Wijdan Ali. Modern Islamic Art: Development and Continuity, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 1997.
  • Richard J. Powell. Black art and culture in the 20th century, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1997.
  • Karl-Ferdinand Schaedler. Afrikanische Kunst: von der Frühzeit bis heute, Heyne, München, 1997.
  • Christopher D. Roy. Kilengi. Afrikanische Kunst aus der Sammlung Bareiss, Kestner-Ges., Hannover, 1997.
  • Gert. Chesi. Afrika - Asien. Kunst und Ritualobjekte - die Sammlungen im Haus der Völker, Haymon-Verlag, Innsbruck, 1997.
  • Sidney Littlefield Kasfir. Contemporary African Art, Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 1999.
  • Nicolas Bissek. Les peintres de l'estuaire, Editions Karthala, Paris, 1999.
  • Enrico Mascelloni e Sarenco. Dialogo notturno sull'arte contemporanea alla luce del piccolo carro, Adriano Parise Editore, Verona, 1999.
  • Joëlle Busca. L'art contemporain africain: du colonialisme au postcolonialisme, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2000.
  • Gen Doy. Black visual culture: modernity and postmodernity, I. B. Tauris, London, 2000.
  • Joëlle Busca. Perspectives sur l'art contemporain africain, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2000. 'L'arte contemporanea africana, L'Harmattan Italia, 2002.
  • Teresa Macrì. Postculture, Maltemi, Roma, 2002.
  • Iba Ndiaye Diadji. L'impossible Art Africain, Editions Dekkando, Dakar, 2002.
  • Thomas Fillitz. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Afrika: 14 Künstler aus Côte d´Ivoire und Bénin, Böhlau Verlag, Wien, 2002.
  • ONOBRAKPEYA by Richard A. Singletary. - 78 pages 143 colour reproductions The Ford Foundation, The Institute of International Education 2002
  • Ivan Bargna. Arte africana, Jaca Book, Milano, 2003.
  • Olu Oguibe. The Culture Game, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis/London, 2003.
  • Bärbel Küster. Matisse und Picasso als Kulturreisende: Primitivismus und Anthropologie um 1900, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
  • Michela Manservisi. African Style: Stilisti, mode e design nel continente nero, Cooper & Castelvecchi, Roma, 2003.
  • Jean-Loup Amselle. L'art de la friche: Essai sur l'art africain contemporain, Editions Flammarion, Paris, 2005. In italiano L'arte africana contemporanea, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2007.
  • Christophe Domino & André Magnin. L'art africain contemporain, Editions Scala, 2005.
  • Hortense Volle. La promotion de l'art africain contemporain et les N.T.I.C, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2005.
  • Sophie Perryer (ed.). Distant Relatives / Relative Distance, Michael Stevenson, Cape Town, 2006.
  • Sidney Littlefield Kasfir e Gus Gordon. Contemporary African Art, Paw Prints, 2008.
  • Okwui Enwezor & Chika Okeke-Agulu. Contemporary African art since 1980, Damiani Editore, Bologna, 2009.
  • André Magnin, Africa? Una nuova storia, Gangemi, Roma, 2009.
  • André Magnin & Luca Beatrice, Africa arte contemporanea, Prearo, Milano, 2009.
  • UCHE OKEKE: ART IN DEVELOPMENT -A NIGERIAN PERSPECTIVE. -Editor Leclair Grier Lambert 101 Pages 81 B/W illustrations. Asele Institute Nimo/AfricanAmerican Cultural Centre, Minneapolis 1982
  • OFFERINGS FROM THE GODS Text by Dele Jegede 68 Pages 48 B/W illustration. Published by Society of Nigerian Artists, Lagos State Chapter. 1985
  • AFRICA ON HER SCHEDULE IS WRITTEN A CHANGE -Barbara Haeger 105 pages 13 B/W illustrations African Universities Press 1981.
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: SAHELIAN MASQUERADES -Monograph of prints and paintings Edited by Safy Quel 132 pp 17 colour and 155 B/W and line pictures, Ovuomaroro Gallery production 1982.
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: 25 YEARS OF CREATIVE SEARCH. -Introduction by C.O. Adepegba, 57 pages 51 B/W pictures, Ovuomaroro Gallery production 1984.
  • THE ZARIA ART SOCIETY: A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS. -Edited by Paul Chike Dike and Pat Oyelola with essays by Cornelius O. Adepegba, Oloidi, Don Akatakpo and Jacob Jari 298 pages 302 B/W reproductions and 133 colour reproductions. A publication of the National Gallery of Art 1998.
  • AGBARHA-OTOR 98 AND 99: A CATALOGUE OF FIRST AND SECOND HARMATTAN WORKSHOP EXHIBITION 84 pages; 127 B/W and 33 colour reproductions curated by Mike Omoighe, Ovuomaroro Gallery Production 1999.
  • AMOS TUTUOLA SHOW: A FOLKLORE INSPIRED ART IN HONOUR OF THE NOVELIST; Edited by Mudiare Onobrakpeya and curated by Mike Omoighe and Toyin Akinosho; 40 pages 25 B/W and 32 colour reproductions. Ovuomaroro Gallery production 1999.
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: POEMS AND LITHOGRAPHS print notes and comments No.9. Introduced by Bruce Onobrakpeya 49 pages 48 B/W line reproductions; Ovuomaroro Gallery publications 1989.
  • GLIMPSES OF OUR STARS -AN INTIMATE ENCOUNTER WITH NIGERIAN LEADING ARTISTES by Oji Onoko 468 pages, 99 B/W reproductions. Published by All Media International Ltd. 1999.
  • FORTY YEARS OF BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA IN CONTEMPORARY VISUAL ART: THE PORTRAIT OF A VISUAL ARTIST. -Edited by Mudiare Onobrakpeya and Uche Abalogu with introduction by Simon Ikpakronyi. A Collection of 26 essays on Bruce Onobrakpeya 70 pages, Ovuomaroro Gallery Production
  • BRUCE ONOBRAKPEYA: PORTFOLIO OF ART AND LITERATURE, Catalogue. Edited by Pat Oyelola Poems and Extracts from various literary works 56 pages 30 illustrations in colour and B/W Ovuomaroro Gallery Production 2003


  • ADA: Architecture Design Art. Johannesburg, from 1989 to 1996. Founded by Jennifer Sorrell.
  • Africa e Mediterraneo: Cultura e società. Director Sandra Federici, Cooperativa Lai-Momo, Sasso Marconi (Bologna), from 1992. Please refer in particular to Dossier: Arte africana contemporanea, edited by Giovanni Parodi di Passano, n. 2-3/99, 12/1999; "Dossier: Sulla storia dell'arte africana contemporanea", edited by Iolanda Pensa, n. 55, 08/2006.
  • Africana bulletin. Varsavia, Polonia.
  • African Arts. Center of African Studies, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, dal 1967.
  • Afriche e Orienti. Director Mario Zamponi, AIEP Editore, Bologna, dal 1999.
  • Africultures.
  • Afrik'Art. Dakar, from 2005 and associated with the Dakar Biennale.
  • Afro Magazine. Cape Town. Produced by Daddy Buy Me a Pony.
  • Art nègre. Namur, Belgium. Special issue Vivante afrique, n. 246, 1-53, 09-10/1966.
  • Arts d'Afrique Noire, then "Arts Premiers". Arnouville, France.
  • Art South Africa.
  • Artthrob. Rivista online founded by Sue Williamson.
  • Atlantica Revista de Arte y Pensamiento. Publication of the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, from 1990.
  • Black Art. Claremont, USA, from 1976.
  • Black Orpheus: Journal of African and Afro-American Literature.
  • Chimurenga: Who no know go know. Founded by Ntone Edjabe, Kalakuta Trust, Cape Town, Sudafrica, from 2002.
  • Coartnews.
  • Convergences: Revue trimestrielle d'art et de culture. Director Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Dakar, Senegal, from 1996.
  • Contemporary Art from the Islamic World then "Nafas Art Magazine".
  • Critical Interventions: Journal of African art history and visual culture. Founded by Sylvester Okwunodu Ogbechie.
  • DiARTgonale: Bimestriel panafricain d'opinions, de formation et de réflexion sur l'art contemporain africain. Founded by Achillekà Komguem, Yaoundé, Camerun, from 2007.
  • Drum Magazine
  • Gallery. Delta Gallery Publications, Harare, Zimbabwe, from 1994.
  • Glendora, Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Journal de la Société des Africanistes, Paris.
  • Kunstforum International. Director Dieter Bechtloff. In particular Weltkunst-Globalkultur (n.118, 1992), Afrika – Iwalewa (n. 122, 1993), Out of Africa (n. 174, 2005).
  • Metronome. Founded by Clémentine Deliss, from 1996. From 2005 the magazine is produced by Metronome Press
  • NKA Journal of Contemporary African Art. Founded by Okwui Enwezor, USA, from 1994.
  • New Culture: A Review of Contemporary African Arts. Founded by Demas Nwoko, New Culture Studios Ibadan, Nigeria, from 1978.
  • Objets et Mondes. Musée de l'Homme, Paris.
  • Position: Journal on Contemporary African Arts. Director Dapo Adeniyi, from 2001.
  • Présence Africaine: Revue Culturelle du Monde Noir. Fondata da Alioune Diop, Paris, from 1947.
  • Revue Noire. Founded by Jean Loup Pivin, Simon Njami, Pascal Martin Saint Léon, Paris, from 1991 to 1999.
  • Staffrider.
  • Third Text: Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture. Founded by Rasheed Araeen, Kala Press, London, from 1987. In particular Africa Special Issue, n. 23, Summer 1993.
  • Transition Magazine: A Journal of the Arts, Culture & Society.


See also

By country